The UV Event Loop

Event loop examples

Execute async fuctions with uvio.sync()

Often you don’t care about the event loop if that is the case and you just want to get things done use the uvio.sync() decorator:

import uvio

async def main(args):
    await uvio.sleep(1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Display the current date with get_current_loop()

with asyncio, the loop parameter often needs to be a part of the function call args with uvio use get_current_loop wich will return the loop running the current coroutine:

import uvio

async def main(args):

    loop = await uvio.get_current_loop()

Hello World with next_tick()

Example using the Loop.next_tick() method to schedule a callback. The callback displays "Hello World" and then stops the event loop:

import uvio

def hello_world(loop):
    print('Hello World')

loop = uvio.get_default_loop()

# Schedule a call to hello_world()
loop.next_tick(hello_world, loop)

# Blocking call interrupted by loop.stop()

Display the current date with schedule()

Example of callback displaying the current date every second. The callback uses the BaseEventLoop.call_later() method to reschedule itself during 5 seconds, and then stops the event loop:

import uvio
import datetime

async def display_date(end_time):

    if ( + 1.0) < end_time:
        await schedule(1, display_date, end_time)

loop = uvio.get_default_loop()

# Schedule the first call to display_date()
end_time = + 5.0
loop.next_tick(display_date, end_time)

# Blocking call will exit when all tasks are finished