Subprocess ======================= Subprocess examples ------------------- Example of a subprocess protocol using to get the output of a subprocess and to wait for the subprocess exit. The subprocess is created by the uvio.subprocess.Popen method:: import uvio import sys @uvio.sync(timout=10) async def get_date(): code = 'import datetime; print(' # Create the subprocess controlled by the protocol DateProtocol, # redirect the standard output into a pipe process = await uvio.process.Popen( [sys.executable, '-c', code], stdin=None, stderr=None, stdout=uvio.process.PIPE ) # Pipe output into byte stream line = await process.stdout.readline() # Wait for the subprocess exit using the process_exited() method # of the protocol print('Exit Status', await process.returncode) # Read the output which was collected by the pipe_data_received() # method of the protocol data = output.getvalue() return data.decode('ascii').rstrip() print("Current date: %s" % get_date())